Darbar is an upcoming Tamil movie scheduled to be released on 9 Jan, 2020. The movie is directed by A. R. Murugadoss and will feature Rajinikanth, Nayanthara, Prateik Babbar and Suniel Shetty as lead characters. Other popular actors who were roped in for Darbar are Nivetha Thomas, Yogi Babu, Thambi Ramaiah, Jatin Sarna and Nawab Shah.
A police officer on a chase to hunt down a dreaded gangster for fulfilling his own secret agenda. Rajinikanth playing a cop (a bad one at that) after decades, a proven veteran like Suniel Shetty as the baddie, an experienced big-budget director like Murugadoss at the helm, and Anirudh in peak form hoping to repeat his Petta success: what’s not to like about this line-up? In a year that once again heralds the entry of the Superstar into politics, the film will be keenly watched by all quarters... even though for now, it masquerades as a harmless commercial film. But come Pongal season,
Darbar could find itself in the darbar.
Darbar Songs
The film's soundtrack and score was composed by Anirudh Ravichander, marking his second collaboration with actor Rajinikanth after Petta and also with director A. R. Murugadoss after Kaththi. An instrumental theme song for the film titled "Thalaivar Theme", that accompanies with the motion poster was released on 7 November 2019, the same day that the motion poster was released.
Tamil Rockers is a website which facilitates the distribution of copyrighted material, including television shows, movies, music and videos. The site allows visitors to search for and download copyrighted material with the help of magnet links and torrent files, which facilitate peer-to-peer file sharing. In India, internet service providers have been ordered to block access to the website.
Darbar Tamilrockers
Darbar, starring Rajinikanth, Nayanthara, Nivetha Thomas, Suniel Shetty and Yogi Babu, is the latest victim of piracy website Tamilrockers. The movie makers and the fans will file a complaint againt
Darbar Tamilrockers as soon as possible we expect.